Human mocap for Unreal Engine
Your 3D production with our mocap
If you work with 3D films, games, or VR,
you know that time is what matters the most.
Save hours on animating 3D characters
with easy-to-use human motions rigged to Unreal Engine Mannequins and MetaHumans.
About Us
We are motion capture studio and library with film-oriented animations for 3D characters based on Unreal Engine skeletons.
Our mocap is compatible with Manny, Quinn, UE4 Mannequin and MetaHuman characters.
But don't take the word for it - just download sample motions and check it for yourself.
Over 100 seconds of human motion waits for you. Feel free to try it in your next 3D film, animation, or game development, or use them to start your adventure with Unreal Engine .
Download it to freely use it in your present and future projects.
Latest collections
We regularly update our library with new captured animations. Some of them proved its value in the industry productions, already.

Motion capture studio specialized in film-oriented human acting animations with most competitive offer on the market for indie industry.
Regularly updated with fresh and unique sets of motions. Each one with body and face animations for easy use in your films, games, VR/AR or 3D mappings.
Our Partners
Latest cooperations
We launched a few months ago and are already collaborating with talented creators and 3D industry partners on their films, 3D mappings, and training projects. It means a lot to us.
Producer: Victor Trifan / Romania
Project: 3D Film
Services: body motion capture
Producer: Cinesound Europe SRL / Romania
Project: 3D Film Teaser
Services: body motion capture
Producer: KUNKIE STUDIO / Poland
Project: 3D Mapping
Services: motion capture, animation, characters modelling
Producer: KUNKIE STUDIO / Poland
Project: 3D Mapping
Services: body motion capture, animation, lvl design
Human Capture motions
are all about details…
to make 3D motion as human as possible. That's why there are no cutting corners. All unique motions are captured by actors with attention to detail - from the torso down to the pinky.
Because details are what make us human.
written all over the face.
Even the most detailed body mocap is not enough if your 3D character acts with a poker face. That’s why all motion packs in the library contain both - body motions and face expressions.
Why Unreal Engine?
We produce body mocap and face animations with main focus on creators and 3D industry using workflows based on the Unreal Engine 4 and 5.
Our motions are compatible with MetaHumans, UE4 and UE5 Mannequins.
Because we believe that the release of Unreal Engine 5, far more people may now achieve their goals in 3D film.